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Skadi 03-01-2010 10:19 AM

Bioshock 2

This is the sequel to the super epicness that was Bioshock a few years ago.
The game itself has changed a lot since its first look into the gaming universe.
Graphics itself have improved quite a lot. So much more fluid and brighter. :D

Gameplay now allows you to have a little sister on your side, since you're now a big daddy on this game, instead of just some guy.....
This can be prove quite challenging, since you have to protect her while she harvests ADAM from dead bodies. :(

I had to tune down the difficulty because it got too hard for me.... :dodgy:
Another thing that is mentioning here, is that it is now possible to dual wield (meaning you can possess two weapons at once, instead of one)
This for me was quite fun and enjoyable.

The creators made it an option to either not die, (via resurrection of the vita chamber) or to switch it off, basically allowing you to die and not come back to life with limited health.

Overall I found this game 10 times more fun and intriguing than the first game. Storyline is much more interesting (and sweet as well awwww)

Gameplay rocks even harder, having little sisters and
even becoming one yourself (best part of bioshock 2 easily!)
is just a joy in this.

Having two weapons makes it challenging and creates variety.
Finally the graphics. OMG THEY ARE SO AWESOME SAUCE!
Buy Bioshock 2 now, or regret not doing so for the rest of your days.

Quick End Note: I experienced some loading issues with this game when I first bought it. I had to take it back and get myself a second copy after half an hour. (30mins) But after that it was fine. Only minor thing about this game pretty much. :@

There is a third bioshock on the horizon YAY!!!!!!! (judging by the fab ending movie scene)

Sekirei_Lord 03-01-2010 05:57 PM

RE: Bioshock 2
I haven't had the chance to even try out the first yet.
But I did see my brother's friend play it once. It didn't catch my attention, but I don't see it as a bad game.

Skadi 03-01-2010 09:19 PM

RE: Bioshock 2

Originally Posted by Sekirei_Lord
I haven't had the chance to even try out the first yet.
But I did see my brother's friend play it once. It didn't catch my attention, but I don't see it as a bad game.

Oh I see! Well I'm just your typical Bioshock Fanboy after all.
Don't mind me, I'm crazy about that game myself. :heart:

Its a great game! One of the best I own currently. :D
As you would most certainly know, being a gamer
like yours truly. Its a very nice feeling to encounter
such a rare find in the video game world.

You might not like it as much as I do Sekirei,
but hand in hand, the bioshock universe is a
very enjoyable and rewarding experience,
that everybody should at least try once. hehe :idea:

Whyt Lindow 03-05-2010 11:56 AM

RE: Bioshock 2
I want it and yet have to play it, but the images on the box look good x). ?18 at Cex, I have to buy it soon.

Tyken 07-01-2010 07:24 AM

RE: Bioshock 2
I never like Bioshok that much

Kazekage Kamelot 07-01-2010 11:54 PM

RE: Bioshock 2
good old fun/.

Skadi 07-24-2010 09:06 AM

RE: Bioshock 2
Its onwards and upwards when you play it pretty much.... ^_^

Kazekage Kamelot 07-25-2010 06:15 PM

RE: Bioshock 2
That true for the most part XD!

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