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Whyt Lindow 07-22-2010 01:58 PM

The war on online manga.
Well, I've been doing a bit of research on it today and I thought I'd post about it here.

OneManga is due for closure on the 31 of this month after mounting pressure from American and Japanese manga publishers. Also MangaToshokan has been hit with the same problems but will still remain online.

Although OneManga is shutting down its online manga reading capabilities it will be keeping it forum open for it members. (Although I don't see the Benifit)

With building pressure on webistes that offer people the ability to get their manga fix for free, it could seem like a drawing end to free online manga.

Read this for more info:


I've personally never seen a problem with online Manga. In a logical sense I see why the publishers have tried to crack down on it, since the sales on manga/comics have been dropping over the years.

But in a more personal sense, it is more beneficial for them to keep these sites open as it exposes many new and old series which if we relied on our local shops and online buying we wouldn't be exposed to. As most of you should know when you go to your local comic shop the range they have is usually small and will cover only the bigger names in the Manga world such as One Piece, Bleach and Naruto (Well this is the case for mine) and online buying is more of a precise market as you have to know what you want to buy/ (Although Amazon is quite good for suggesting different Manga just by looking at what you looked at and bought.)

So, I'd like to hear some other peoples views on these matters.

There's a poll at the top which you will have noticed.

Skadi 07-24-2010 08:47 AM

RE: The war on online manga.
Meh..... I say its about time!!! People need to buy their Manga and not leech
free rides from online sites that allow you to read it for nothing.

"I'm glad that they're shutting down tbh"

Then perhaps people can get off their lazy behinds and actually
buy their stuff like "real fans" are susposed to, instead of
claiming they're so anyways. (You're havin' a laugh if you think that way anyways!) ^^

Whyt Lindow 07-24-2010 09:23 PM

RE: The war on online manga.
Well it's less aout the fact of calling them real fans just because they don't buy. The majority probably do buy. As you'll probably have read in a few places, "The new releases for most manga are far behind in English countries (That doesn't go to say others as well.) So people would like to read it a month maybe two before it hits shops in their country, even then there is no guarantee that they could get it local. It works on the same principals of anime, I download the fansubs and store them on my PC, but I do but what I can when the official subbed releases come out. I can't buy everything I own because a lot of it isn't subbed nor would I have enough money to buy even a quarter.

CrescentOfLight 07-24-2010 09:39 PM

RE: The war on online manga.
MangaFox will probably go downhill too.

Whyt Lindow 07-25-2010 12:38 AM

RE: The war on online manga.
Well I'm trying to download as much manga as possible using the DomDom program, as long as I can get my hands on a lot I can supply it here, thus it could gain us some new members.
Although we will have to keep it on the low down as attracting any attention from manga publishers isn't something we need.

Skadi 07-25-2010 01:35 AM

RE: The war on online manga.

Originally Posted by Whyt Lindow
Well it's less aout the fact of calling them real fans just because they don't buy. The majority probably do buy. As you'll probably have read in a few places, "The new releases for most manga are far behind in English countries (That doesn't go to say others as well.) So people would like to read it a month maybe two before it hits shops in their country, even then there is no guarantee that they could get it local. It works on the same principals of anime, I download the fansubs and store them on my PC, but I do but what I can when the official subbed releases come out. I can't buy everything I own because a lot of it isn't subbed nor would I have enough money to buy even a quarter.

Hmmnnn that may be true in other english countries.
But in my nation, no one ever buys anything and downloads it all,
what makes that even more disturbing, is that no one here
knows what "manga" is or haven't even read one before.... O.o

If I can't buy it from a store locally, I just buy it online.
So in regards to that I still buy it anyways.

I'm on a pension and don't even work and I can still buy all
my anime and manga, So there's no excuse while others can't buy it too.

Oh and I know you wouldn't be able to afford how much you read man, I
completely understand that. There are valid reasons for not buying things
and then invalid. That's how I see it. ^^

Kazekage Kamelot 07-25-2010 06:18 PM

RE: The war on online manga.
wont be much of a bother for me either, i dont read my manga's on the internet, i like to purchase them and collect them :P!

Whyt Lindow 07-25-2010 07:43 PM

RE: The war on online manga.
Same here, I like physical copies of things; DVD's, Manga, books, Software etc.
The only problem for me is money. I don't start getting a wage until September so I've got to feed my habits somehow.

Kazekage Kamelot 07-29-2010 01:49 AM

RE: The war on online manga.
sounds like a real burden XD!

Whyt Lindow 07-31-2010 04:27 PM

RE: The war on online manga.
It is a real burden =/
If I don't keep up with anime then I get bored.
And I hate boredom.
Because of the inconvenient place where I live, There aren't many things that can dismiss my boredom.

I already think that my life's way too empty at the mo so having no anime to fill quite a large portion of the gap is a good thing.

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