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AudriSampson 03-08-2010 05:27 PM

Censorship in Anime
Here is a topic going on at Funimation's forums. I wanted to see what you all think..

Whyt Lindow 03-08-2010 06:54 PM

RE: Censorship in Anime
It told me to login, so I gave up.
But on the issue, I dont believe that anime needs to be censored.
There is always the question of the younger viewers though.
I'll solve that problem later since I'm going out now.

Sekirei_Lord 03-08-2010 11:52 PM

RE: Censorship in Anime
It's saying access denied for me, lol.
Is it possible for you to quote the post to here?

AudriSampson 03-09-2010 12:37 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime
umm thats weird you should be able to read them as a guest. Its actually about 10 pages of a fight.

Sekirei_Lord 03-09-2010 04:38 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime
Do you think that maybe it was set to private?

Kazekage Kamelot 03-09-2010 05:52 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime
Sensorship? Shit Ranma 1/2 was released with boobs all over the place when TV still had laws against boobs on tv. They managed to make it work.

Nudity isnt that big of a deal for the following reasons.

1) It aint real
2) Like the child watching knows the difference
3) If the child is old enough start explaining
4) It aint porn, its hentai.
5) HUGE difference between somene flashing boobs or a butt on an anime, and actual hentai.

Personally I can care less, if you going to bleep it out at least spend the money to make them wear something rediculous for 2 reasons.

1) It covers what your trying to block out.
2) Explains the expressions on the faces of the other people in the anime.

I think it would be funny as hell to see a scene with a girl who has floaties on her boobs in place of the black censor bar, or a guy whearing a circle floatie, with an elephen trunk. That would seriously make my day!

Blitztech 03-25-2010 06:46 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime
I can agree with Kazekage on this one, plenty of the anime now adays consists of the random flashing of boobs, and yes some censor it, and some don't. It all really depends on who's making the series, but some of the ways things are censored can and will be annoying. The random beam of white light across someone's chest, or if in like Rosario+Vampire a talking bat or a bear head.

Censoring is no longer a big deal anymore to anyone, plus most anime is rated for teenagers to begin with, and they are old enough to understand stuff like this and that...blah blah blah...The only thing that are normally censored are the lower halves of bodies just cause if it is not, then the anime is now considered a hentai and is only available to adults.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-25-2010 10:35 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime

Skadi 05-14-2010 10:28 PM

RE: Censorship in Anime
I just say flat out like tire tracks, that Anime Censorship must die and rot in Hades like the evil Un-Wahs!
Give the people what they want and let it be uncensored. Not like anyone hasn't seen the female and male body uncovered before! Its just stupid to censor things! And if you have kids just don't let them view it simple. Or you do and say its an "educational exp" hehe

Kazekage Kamelot 05-15-2010 02:28 AM

RE: Censorship in Anime
yes well thats even more difficult now in to days world. America has passed laws against hentai and loli drawings in the nude because they say its harmful to children. If you posses any its considered child pornography and you will be charged and imprisoned for up to 20 years, and also be labeled as a pedophile *someone who likes to look at naked kids*

Although we all enjoy seeing our favorite Anime characters getting boned by Naruto or some other main man int he anime world, its just not acceptable in todays world. Even though the girl in the anime is considered to be 18 or even older in some cases, the Government is argueing that the loli girls are found drawn in at all ages. Short tiny little girls.

Japans defense was./.. Have you looked at our women? have you looked at chinese women? they are extremely small compared to the rest of the world, and we will continue to make hentai and loli imgs for men.

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