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AudriSampson 04-14-2010 04:16 PM

Stereotypes in Anime
Does anyone here ever get bothered by Stereotypes in Anime? It seems like Latinos are always underpaid workers, blacks look like they did in 1950's american cartoons and every Crossdressor/Transgender looks like a huge hairy dude wearing a little bit of leather or latex. I know these arent every case, but do any of them bother you guys?

CrescentOfLight 04-14-2010 06:59 PM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
Yeah I agree.

They base the races to much on reality it gets sorta annoying after a while.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-15-2010 01:06 AM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
well Japanese people hate everyone that isnt japanese, so when the character they draw is of a different origion or race then japanese, they purposely make them with defaults. The only acceptions are if that character is a main character and then sometiems they make them completely bad ass *Afro Samuri* but note that the Actor doing the voice for Afro Samuri wanted the Anime Character to look like him, so that was an understatement XD!.

Another Acception was Evangelion Aska, she was German origin and very beautiful, and this is because the female japanese voice actor they got to play her, her father was German.

I do not mind some of the stereo typing becuase usually they play it off silly or something like that.

Although i do agree they do it quite aggressively.

Whyt Lindow 04-15-2010 09:43 AM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
I really couldn't give a crap in all honesty.
Stereotypes in anime amuse me if anything. Daylight racism with no consequence.
Apart from Transsexuals and Transgenders, but I think thats just plain wrong.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-15-2010 11:03 PM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
either way they make it hilarious for the most part XD!

Whyt Lindow 04-16-2010 11:15 AM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
Well I don't quite think an anime would be the same if they had the looks and personalities they have in real life.
Especially if you where picking up on ethnic minorities in my area.
Would an anime really be good if they get stabbed or just get grouped and kicked the shit out of by a large load of chavs dressed like twats?

Kazekage Kamelot 04-22-2010 02:21 AM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
that depends, does moses show up and have a shit load of animals to save the day?

**in case you didnt ge the reference, im talking about School Rumble**

Whyt Lindow 04-23-2010 11:55 AM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
No, they just get beat an hospitalized.
That really doesn't sound like a fun anime does it.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-23-2010 04:52 PM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
that depends on who beats them up, i think Vash would make that fight end quickly XD!

Whyt Lindow 04-23-2010 09:06 PM

RE: Stereotypes in Anime
I have no idea who Vash is. xD

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