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Dragon Girl 06-16-2012 08:29 PM

Collecting RP ideas

I think that the RP should start running soon, so we get some more posts in the forum :rose:

So I would like to ask what kind of RP would be interesting.

Here are my favorite RPing Topics

- Naruto based Ninja RP
- Vampire RP
- Dragon / Half Dragon RP

So what would you like to see in the RP and add that here, so we can make a choice of Topics later.

CrescentOfLight 06-17-2012 12:49 AM

What is Dragon RP about?

Dragon Girl 06-17-2012 12:56 AM

In that kind of RP you get characters which are full or half dragons
That characters be stronger as regular humans and make bigger damage to areas.
As example, if two dragon fight into a forest, and one use ice and the other use fire, the forest doesnt would long that much nice.
So they need special areas and maybe a prologue story of the RP

CrescentOfLight 06-17-2012 01:02 AM


That sounds interesting.

I might join something like that.

But Im a very inexperienced RPer.

Dragon Girl 06-17-2012 01:07 AM

That can changed as soon you figure out how much fun RPing is ^^
If I remember the first posts from me, I must always smiling

I played Shippuuden Sasuke and it was similar like that

"Sasuke appear into a tree and sit down to watch the fight"

that was all.
The other member start to give me more ideas to post better and soon after that I make posts with over 60 words ^^
into my own forum I get a post to pass some time which is over 800 words long and my partner into the RP topic send me after he check my post a "what the hell......" mail and said that he never so such a long post

CrescentOfLight 06-17-2012 01:12 AM

Oh wow.

So you learned RP that quickly.

I tried to learn on my own before at another site.

But it seemed to complicated.

Maybe one day I will learn everything there is to know about RPing.

Dragon Girl 06-17-2012 01:16 AM

well maybe we can add a trainings area where people learn to RPing
that would be one more part for the RP and would help member
With good teachers you learn a lot and same count for playing RP
I get a lot of good teachers and play now since 2005
can be one year more because I cant really remember which year it was as the first forum I play RP open
But I can check as soon I find my old RP copies back again

CrescentOfLight 06-17-2012 01:28 AM


I think that would be a good idea.

That way newbies wont get lost and feel discouraged to try.

Dragon Girl 06-17-2012 01:34 AM

yup ^^

so there is still the collection of RP topic what would be interesting to play
Do you maybe have some ideas as well?

Starlight 06-17-2012 02:14 AM

I enjoy RPing, so this should be fun. <3
I'll gladly join in on some DRAGON ACTION.

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