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Shadow 02-20-2012 08:25 AM

Some of Shadow's ideas...
I've been browsing around getting a feel for the forums here, and thought of few things that might be nice additions here-and-there. So, I figured I'd just post them up for everyone's perusal. Feel free to abuse me senseless if they're no good. XD

Firstly, I mentioned this elsewhere, but, downloads in a post-count-determined hidden subforum. :nod: To keep them from leeches that be, and from the prying eyes of the feds. lol
A 20 to 25 (contributing, non-spam) post count would do well for that. ;)

Secondly, the Hot Spot section of the forums, having a 'serious discussion' subforum under the Chatter Box would be good (for those that have to talk about gay marriage, politics, and other 'sensitive' talks) not only so people can find such discussions easily, but also so other members can completely avoid them if they want to. lol

Another thought was to have the forum games as it's own forum in the Hot Spot, rather than a sub-subforum under spam. Then, there could be a sub forum under 'games' for RPing and such...

And in the Artist's Square, having a Gallery would be nice! ;)

And, last one for now (that I can think of), why is there a Journal subforum under noville? Wouldn't people's personal journals be more of a community thing better put in the Hot Spot? Just thinking out loud here...

So, what do you think of these? ^^;

I'll go find myself a shield now... to fend-off any flying fruit coming my way...

Yumeria 02-21-2012 04:32 AM

Those are pretty good suggestions ^^ To be honest, I haven't gotten a total feel of where everything is at yet xD

Lets see what we have...


Secondly, the Hot Spot section of the forums, having a 'serious discussion' subforum under the Chatter Box would be good (for those that have to talk about gay marriage, politics, and other 'sensitive' talks) not only so people can find such discussions easily, but also so other members can completely avoid them if they want to. lol
The general Chatter Box area (when you click into the section), can be for general type general discussions and we can make a subby (sub-forum) for debates ^^

For the member journals type things, maybe we can have a Members' Area (it will be hidden) for member journals and even ask me anything threads ^^

Threads that would go in the general Members' Area would be like Post Your Pic, Where Are You From.. Anything that pertains to the members themselves ^^

-Category *Forum **Sub-Forum

-The Hot Spot

*The Chatter Box


*Members' Hideout

**Member Journals, Member Q&A (maybe disable post count here.. It can get spammy lol).

*Spam Central

**Spam Games

For the forum games, we can change the name to spam games perhaps ^^? Then, it can remain as a subby since it's linked to spam ^^


Another thought was to have the forum games as it's own forum in the Hot Spot, rather than a sub-subforum under spam. Then, there could be a sub forum under 'games' for RPing and such...
For an RPG section, it can be a section of it's own in the Hot Spot ^^?

-The Hot Spot

*The Chatter Box


*Members' Hideout

**Member Journals, Member Q&A (maybe disable post count here.. It can get spammy lol).

*Spam Central

**Spam Games

*RPG Realm (Main RP's go in the section when you click it)

**Sign-Ups, OOC, Character Vault (if anyyone is interested in a place to put their characters).

Blitztech 02-21-2012 07:30 AM

You've got some good ideas there Shadow. I'm certain a few of them might be talked about implementing into the system.

Shadow 02-21-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Yumeria (Post 22430)
-The Hot Spot

*The Chatter Box


*Members' Hideout

**Member Journals, Member Q&A (maybe disable post count here.. It can get spammy lol).

*Spam Central

**Spam Games

Yes! :love:


Originally Posted by Yumeria (Post 22430)
For an RPG section, it can be a section of it's own in the Hot Spot ^^?

*RPG Realm (Main RP's go in the section when you click it)

**Sign-Ups, OOC, Character Vault (if anyyone is interested in a place to put their characters).

:yay: Yesssss please. I've seen some of the more 'involved' RPs around the net get pretty detailed and, well, epic. lol. So letting the dedicated RPers have their own section would be pleasant for them.


Originally Posted by Yumeria (Post 22430)
**Member Journals, Member Q&A (maybe disable post count here.. It can get spammy lol).

lol, I just remembered the camwhore comps I used to host on SSA and the sometimes sheer amount of spammy chatter about it on the CB. XD

But, yeah, good idea. For Spam Central too. That would tie-in nicely with the post count minimum for downloads too. *nod*


Originally Posted by Blitztech (Post 22439)
You've got some good ideas there Shadow. I'm certain a few of them might be talked about implementing into the system.

Thanks! Would be nice to see a few of them incorporated in somehow. ^^

Ambient-Symphony 02-22-2012 02:55 AM

That is indeed a very interesting idea.
Leeching was one of my concerns after deciding on downloads for the site in the past, but this should solve everything.
Thank you for the suggestion. :cheers:

Shadow 02-22-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by LD-Skipper (Post 22472)
Thank you for the suggestion. :cheers:

You're very welcome! ^^

CrescentOfLight 02-26-2012 07:25 AM


Leechers are the worst.

CrescentOfLight 02-28-2012 08:01 PM

Instead of blocking the section is there a way to just block links from guests in the section?

Blitztech 02-29-2012 03:55 PM

I get what you are saying Crescent, but if we block the section off to the guests, then the people that browse the web for link and website take downs would almost bypass tloag, because they would think that we don't offer downloads, since a lot of the older series are licensed, so they would have those taken down instantly.

But some are also nice, because most wesbites get DMCA'd because they are making a profit (aka donations) and have the links posted, so therefor get the DMCA for link take downs.

Shadow 03-01-2012 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Blitztech (Post 22814)
but if we block the section off to the guests, then the people that browse the web for link and website take downs would almost bypass tloag, because they would think that we don't offer downloads, since a lot of the older series are licensed, so they would have those taken down instantly.

:nod: I'd just like to add to this. ^^

Some forums have a viewable-to-all forum post with an available series list, stating that the series will be availble to new users after the user's post count reaches X amount of posts. The file-killers (as well as innocent leeches) will rarely go to the trouble of posting so much to get access to the links, instead going digging for direct links to the files elsewhere... hence why having a relatively large post count needed to access them is good, and having the spam section post count disabled.

It's the actual posts containing the links to downloads that would be hidden, or the section that contains nothing but links. To prevent the above mentioned- er annoyances spamming the hell out of the forums for access, prevent legal issues, and to prevent the files from being linked back to the site if they're found elsewhere.

I can find a file on mediafire right now, having no idea who distributed it in the first place, copypaste the link to it on Google and search, and every single website across the net that has the same URL posted anywhere on it will show up in search results. Insta-DMCA for all if the finder can be bothered. Most often, they'll just send the notice to the file's server, but they have gone after forums simply for linking to them. Hiding the section protects the site from this, if not the actual files, sadly.... (though 'coding' the filenames can help this) And it's not alway liscenced series either. If the original creators cry foul the same thing happens as if it was liscensed in the states, or Aus, or wherever. That's why series get bumped off of YT constantly, liscensed or not. And AMVs.

Also, sites (or people) that never make a single cent from the files still get DMCA notices (I did for an AMV on YT). It makes no difference overall - money just makes them get the slap faster. Premium sections and such. *cough*AnimeEden*cough* lol

Donations are iffy I think... sometimes sites can go for ages without a problem with the links completely bared for all the world to see, others not... just luck I guess. One site I was on before asked for donations, they only ever recieved one or two DMCA notices dispite having multiple liscensed series, they hid the download links after and they never got another notice again.

/end rant. XD

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