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Kazekage Kamelot 04-21-2010 09:21 AM

RE: um Series lists
i am not going to lie for 500 USD the laptop is a masterpeice, i have 1tb 3 gig ram dvd blue ray, and hd screen watching capabilities, but it is going on its 4th year, and i tell ya, its truely working hard. Its at the point the damn processor is humming just to keep this shit going XD. Average laptop is lucky if it lasts 5 years, amazing if you manage 7 our of it. Most die withing 2-3 years of purchase. Acer has lasted 4 years and 2 months so far, and shes got about 6 months before something frys that wont be easily replaced, so ill just buy another lappy XD!.

But thats basically why i asked my mother for my big pc i need a computer here in China :P.

Blitztech 04-21-2010 02:31 PM

RE: um Series lists
Nice, gotta admit though, mine was only 250USD back in February 2008, but at the time it was worth it, all I wanted it to do was surf the web and type papers....I had no hardcore games or nothin.....Then after a few months I got fed up with how slow it was, so for 120USD more I upgraded the RAM to 3Gb (1Gb installed), and bought a 320Gb HDD. And from there I upgraded my Vista OS to one made by "The Rockers Team", which made it even faster.
But what is really strange is this, normally you need a hardware update if you cant run games, yet when I installed Win7 and my 500Gb HDD I was able to play the games I couldn't on Vista.... o.O

Kazekage Kamelot 04-22-2010 01:10 AM

RE: um Series lists
lol well thats because normal vista there is a secret you dont even need the new updates or codecs, all you do is click on the exe to the game and click on run as admin. When you installed the newer version of vista it is very likely that feature was already upgraded to run new exe without having to command it to run as admin. :P

Whyt Lindow 04-23-2010 11:46 AM

RE: um Series lists
The silly mistakes of Microsoft.
Vista was one of their many flops.
But they did do well with Window 7, and they deserve some appreciation.

Plus I'd never own a Mac
Half the price of the Mac, and thats what you should be paying.
The other half is for the Apple logo on the back.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-23-2010 04:40 PM

RE: um Series lists
personally if im doing alot of work in Graphic or Video, i like a mac to be handy because it just seems to do a better job at ti. Its also great for playing games. BUt its mouse is annoying and setup is also very annoying.

I perfer Microsoft even though they have their bugs every now n then XD!

Whyt Lindow 04-23-2010 08:58 PM

RE: um Series lists
Makes me chuckle how they try and gloat because they don't get many viruses.
People see no point in developing viruses for mac's since they aren't really widely used.

As for gaming, I think windows is better personally, not just because most games are made for PC but macs don't seem usable for much but specific tasks.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-24-2010 04:51 PM

RE: um Series lists
oh sorry i should have specified, i wasnt reffering to the games as in their gameplay i was refering to their detail to graphics, with an Nvdea 8800 on a PC it was fucking amazing, but with the Mac is was like 10 times better. Its just the way they are setup, alot of major corperations that rely on graphics and videos use a mac to creat these things.

They also have very sensitive mouse so it can be used for persicion work. ALthough i hate that fucking thing, it dont right click -.-.

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