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Kik 08-27-2012 03:49 PM

This is another show I saw on Netflix and decided to watch. I've known about it for awhile but never really thought to watch it. I'm about 5 episodes in and I like it so far =] Chi reminds me of Nyu/Lucy from Elfen Lied, and I like the comedy in it too. Has anyone else watched it?

Ambient-Symphony 08-28-2012 01:26 AM

I read the entire manga, but haven't taken the opportunity to watch the animated variant yet.
Once I knock off the ones I plan on watching, I may take a look at this one.
It should have been done at that time, but time restraints were a huge problem for me back then. XD

CrescentOfLight 08-29-2012 02:44 PM

I've heard of this one but never watched it.

Is it bloody like Elfen Lied?

Ambient-Symphony 08-30-2012 03:13 AM

Not at all. XD
There were no traces of intense violence judging from the manga alone.

Whyt Lindow 08-30-2012 11:26 AM

You'll find near to no blood in Chobits.
It's quite an excellent series and the opening song is great.

CrescentOfLight 08-30-2012 03:40 PM

So then what's the story about?


Whyt Lindow 08-30-2012 07:03 PM

In summary; Hideki fails his application to university and moves to Tokyo to attend cram lessons. One night whilst walking back from somewhere he finds a Persocon on on some rubbish bags and takes her back home in hopes that it might work since they cost a hella lot and it could be a good find. After sticking his fingers in some odd places he manages to switch her on only to find that the only word she says is Chi, so she gains her name.

Hideki then goes on a mission to find out the origin of Chi and also is faced with the task of teaching her about the world and life. After Chi begins to show signs of human traits, Hideki realises that Chi may not be a regular Persocon after all.

That's a little summary written by me.

Kik 08-31-2012 01:57 AM

That pretty much sums it up :P It's not dark or gruesome like Elfen Lied at all - the only slight similarity is how Nyu and Chi can only say Nyu and Chi (at first) and that's how they get their names =]

A Persocon is like a computer/robot btw.

Whyt Lindow 08-31-2012 01:31 PM

It's in my list of top 10 but I keep forgetting to put it their.
Even with the amount of anime I've watched and collected over the years it still remain one of my favourites.

Ambient-Symphony 09-01-2012 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kik (Post 25106)
the only slight similarity is how Nyu and Chi can only say Nyu and Chi (at first) and that's how they get their names =]

Haha, you know, I really never noticed until you pointed it out just now. XD

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