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Blitztech 03-31-2010 06:29 PM

Taking a leave of absence.
Yea, as it says I will be taking a leave of absence due to the server move and everything. Since this will give me the needed time to work on my "project" for tloag. But have no fear, for I will be back when everything is all said and done.
I will still be in contact with Sekirei_Lord during the move, so he will keep me filled in on everything, or if he needs help, I can help him as well.

If you peoples want to, you can find me on MSN/AIM, feel free to add me, just when you do, at least have a message with it saying your username from here, so I know you are not spammers.

AIM: BlitzKing10
MSN: (also my email address too).

Ciao, and see ya guys around.

Sekirei_Lord 03-31-2010 07:08 PM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
I'll see you once the board is running again.

I apologize that this had to happen at the last minute, but i will do my best to get it up again asap.

Kazekage Kamelot 04-02-2010 01:57 AM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
have a save return :P!

Blitztech 04-02-2010 02:59 AM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
Well, this is work related. So i might or might not, idk we will see

Blitztech 04-16-2010 11:32 PM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
Well, I cant necessarily say I "will" but, I am going to be taking a short break from DL Management, since well my phone doesn't have the capabilities to upload /download anything, but I can still surf the web. It is hard with an iPhone to manage the downloads from a hospital bed with crappy wifi....Life just sucks....

Sekirei_Lord 04-16-2010 11:47 PM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
Don't worry. I totally understand.
LOL. Even though I don't own an IPhone, I know what you mean. XP
Take as much time away as you need.

Take care of yourself and I'll see you when you get back.

Blitztech 04-16-2010 11:52 PM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
I should be ready to go by Monday, the flu hit me good and hard this time around, made my asthma kick in too. A day or two in the hospital to get checked out isn't as bad as you's the boredom that comes with it.

Sekirei_Lord 04-17-2010 12:13 AM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
Man, I hate the dang flu.
And for it to pull off a sneak attack like that on you. It just boils my blood.
Your health is more important to me than anything else, so get well soon.

I'll be praying for you every night bro, so stay strong for me.

If there is ever anything I can do to be of assistance to you in anything, please let me know right away.

Blitztech 04-17-2010 05:14 AM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
what your doing right there is more than enough, no need to do anymore than that....It is just a surprise that it hit me this bad, tsh oh well, stuff happens and I am getting treated for it, so health is coming back.... Parent won't bring my laptop, but they brought me my old ipod, kinda happy, at least I can watch Gundam00 and listen to most of my music collection.

And the docs said after another day of hospital treatment (I dont really need it, they just want money), I should be ready to go home!!! So I should be back to my job later on Sunday, or on Monday.

Sekirei_Lord 04-18-2010 02:48 AM

RE: Taking a leave of absence.
LOL. Alright.
I'm just worried about your health.
It's wonderful to hear that everything is going smoothly.
Just try to get yourself as much rest as possible, and I'll catch you later on when you return. ^^

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