The Lands of Anime and Gaming

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CrescentOfLight 08-28-2012 07:44 PM

Why do you like anime?
As the title says but try to be as descriptive as to why you like or love Anime as much as possible.

Whyt Lindow 08-30-2012 11:44 AM

Hmm, it's a tough question really.

I probably fell into it because it can tell a story that live action can't.
The story doesn't have to be within the bounds of physical absolutes so anything can be made with enough imagination.

No repeat characters.
I quite like films, but sometimes I just wish that there where more actors out there, because depending on the genre, your going to be seeing a lot of one actor, and you can never really let go of the other characters they've portrayed.
In anime, the voice could be the same, but who is using it is completely different.

If your a fairly heartless person like myself, you'll find yourself moved by very little. There are funerals for relatives where I haven't felt the slightest bit of sadness. (Not that I didn't like said person, just I didn't feel anything). Now, when you find that you can be moved by an animated series more that a real life event, you tend to hold on to it. That said, I think I've just lost all compassion for the world.

Endless possibilities.
In reality we are limited, we can't do certain things and we can only go so far. I like to watch people excel, even if fictional. They don't need to gain super powers and save the world. They need to overcome the obstacles that they face. Whether it is the fate of the world or just trying to piece together their meagre existence to make something better for themselves.

Now, their are plenty more reasons, but I think I'll let others speak up now.

Hotspot 02-03-2013 01:37 AM

I like anime because they tend to go completely different than American television; American television just has reality shows, crime drama's and sitcoms... That is mostly it... and I like some of those, but I really love action and fantasy.. which is something that Anime really gives us, the unimaginable that most shows never explore....Fantasy.

mangaraw 09-30-2016 07:48 AM

Dragon Ball

restarr5 01-30-2017 08:25 AM

Anime is just completely different than anything you have in the western society. It's something different. Really love fantasy anime.

Antonio 06-06-2017 10:26 AM

To me anime is some sort of helper in life for me. I've quite a rough time during secondary school so the only way for me to relieve the tension from both school and parents was anime and games. Though now my life is normal but I still like watching anime and games.
Anime and games are like in another worlds like many people said. Anime is where I can experience the life of different characters, while games is the place where I can become whoever I want to be and I can do whatever I want to do. Of course these cannot replace the real life and I have a normal life now but I don't see any reason to abandon these hobbies.

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