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Envy 03-24-2010 01:09 AM

Favorite Character(s)
How can the subforum for this wonderful anime/manga be so inactive? :(

My favorite character is most certainly Luffy, although I really like all of the Straw Hats. Especially Usopp, Sanji, and Brooke.

Luffy is just an amazing character, taking all of the good aspects from the Shounen protagonist archetype and leaving out all of the annoying ones.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-24-2010 01:37 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
I agree Luffy is my favorite character from One Peice, but to be honest this anime is not even in my top 100. It was a great anime, and fun to watch, but personally i find alot of other animes just out number it so easily :). That is why i have not posted here yet :)!

Envy 03-24-2010 02:30 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
Well, that's your opinion, and that's totally fine!

Glad you don't hold it rudely like so many others do. Sometimes I need quite a lot of convincing to realize that not everybody who dislikes One Piece dislikes it due to ignorance and close-mindedness. (Meaning that for various reasons they never gave it a chance.)

All of the One Piece "haters" I see are either diehard Naruto/Bleach fans who haven't really watched/read it, or Shounen hating elitists who completely dismissed it due to the demographic its aimed at.

So you have to understand, to see somebody that genuinely dislikes it, surprises me. lol

Kazekage Kamelot 03-24-2010 04:41 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
LOL well im not known as the anime legend for nothing XD! like i said before ill watch anything even if i hate it all the way through. That way i can at least commnet properly on it. And to be honest, in over 20 years of watching anime, i can only think of 2 animes that never made it to my collection.

Narutaro, and Blood +.

Narutaro was just way to fucked up, they changed the sotry 3 times, and when it finally got interesting it ended, so i was not happpy with that, plus if you ask me it was border line rape, XD!

Blood + really pissed me off how they were taking things from other famous Vampire animes, and twisting them to try and make it their own. They failed big time.

Envy 03-24-2010 04:49 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
Well, that is a very respectable thing.

Trust me, seeing people judge something that they haven't really even watched/read/whatever it gets on my last nerve. Even if I don't really care for it myself or haven't watched/read/whatever myself.

You never know what you'll miss out on when you close your mind like that.

More people like you should exist. lol.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-24-2010 07:47 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
heh well im old and wise, and wtf am i saying, im just me :P. If people were more like me, then i would not be me, and thats how the world just is :P!

blooman 03-24-2010 11:18 PM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
I'm a young idiot:D

Also zoro is my fav char because he's always calm and cool

Kazekage Kamelot 03-24-2010 11:51 PM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
zoro is pretty laid back and awsome but personally loofy's streach just beats him no questions :P!

Envy 03-25-2010 01:57 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
But what happened to judging characters by personality? =P

Zoro really showed that he was a great character (with character development!) in post Thriller Bark with Kuma. Not among my top favorite One Piece characters, but gosh One Piece is full of great characters IMO.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-25-2010 02:04 AM

RE: Favorite Character(s)
well one thing for sure was the One Peice never had that one character that was completely usless *cough ORHIME* *cough!* so all the characters were great in their own right, but personally the way loofy is and with his power, he was just awsome :P!

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