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Nykira 03-03-2010 09:56 AM

The HILL game^^
Okie dokie this is a game where you have to take the hill from the user above ^^

eg) I give u a cookie, and you hand over the hill, MY HILL
I throw a rock at u and u fall off the hill, Its MY HILL now!!
and so on
now that you know how to play me starts^^
I made this so I start with the hill, so in other words MY HILL

Skadi 03-03-2010 10:02 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
I turn down the air conditioning, the heat makes you dizzy, then you faint.
While you're unconscious I take the hill, MY HILL!

Nykira 03-03-2010 10:03 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
Me get my alien cousin to obduct u into space hehe^^ my hill

Skadi 03-03-2010 10:25 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
That is the best way to nab a hill ever! Awesome!!!!! ^-^

I fling a face hugger (from the alien movies) onto your mug
and he impregnates you, than a chest burster blows apart
your rib cage and leaps out, killing you instantly!

Now the hill is mine, MY HILL!

Nykira 03-03-2010 10:30 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
I get mr preditor to come get you, cause u took side with the aliens, he skins u alive and hangs u upside down like in preditor the move

the hill is free, so now it's MY Hill

Skadi 03-03-2010 10:36 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
You always best me, at this hill game. Its nice! *smiles*

Catches you with a pokeball, MY HILL!

Nykira 03-03-2010 10:46 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
Hehe me nots that goods ur goodsies to^^ *smiles*

me offer u cake for the hill, and since ur the kawaii king u couldn't give up cake so u gave me the hill, MY HILL

Skadi 03-03-2010 10:59 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
Thankies! I try my best always. *smiles*

traps you inside a candy filled vending machine,
now the hill is laid bare for me to take, MY HILL!

Nykira 03-03-2010 11:05 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
Grabs a plushie and throws it, u see it and like a puppy to a bone u chase it, my hill hehe

Skadi 03-03-2010 11:14 AM

RE: The HILL game^^
Bribes you with some J-Music and you hand over the hill, MY HILL!

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