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KLAC_ZARROS 04-05-2011 04:49 AM

online stalkers
well i don't know if this place to mention but due to recent going i've mention this.

cause really i'm bit concern about it give that feel someone is doing online stalking on me.

yet like targeting me a lot give i got PM from stalker that message was too harsh also insulted not only me but also my pareents, life, etc that yet this stalker look want me being "whacked".

really this is getting a bit of out control in here.

besides this person has already found & stalk me on 2 different forums already.

give really if keep like really this is getting a bit too concern on me to stress.

Whyt Lindow 04-06-2011 08:08 PM

RE: online stalkers
I recommend using another username and email if your going to sign up to any other forums.
I can easily find almost every account someone has by using certain search engines.

As for the insults, just monitor them a little and see if the person has any personal information about you such as your address.

If your really looking to shake this person off then find the IP address of the user, asking a forum admin should work if you can prove this is happening and then report the IP to the police.

That's about all the information I can offer.

Blitztech 04-07-2011 12:58 AM

RE: online stalkers
If you can find the IP (if it is not a static one this method will work) I use a program that blocks IP addresses, if you can find theirs, you might be able to use it to block them, but I am not sure if it would work on forums and stuff like that, but it should work with IMs.

Skadi 07-02-2011 04:15 AM

RE: online stalkers
I had a stalker case once with this guy who was on this dating site I use.
And he kept trying to hook up with me and I kept saying no.

Finally I deleted his MSN and blocked him.
What a creep.... >.<

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