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Kazekage Kamelot 03-09-2010 05:31 AM

Dragon Raja
Old game ive been playing for years. I managed to get on the GM Staff about 10 years ago, and after that I got the files to run my own servers. We recently shut down the last server I was working on, however there are two other servers up and running right now.

Korean Server
European Server

I wouldnt recomend either of them.

I do intend on getting my server back up and running, but at this time my staff and i are changin alot of things in the game to make our next release a complete upgrade. I will keep you posted, but dont expect much for the next year or so.

Anywho I have made this thread to discuss the game in all its glory to those who may or maynot have ever heard of it.


MatiUciha 05-10-2010 05:43 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
Soo what is this game about??? Is it like World Of Warcraft

Kazekage Kamelot 05-11-2010 01:59 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
well first of all its very old, its going on its 18th year in the running. The Graphics are alot like Diablo and Diablo II, but we are working on changing some things. :). Our new server will have alot of new features, maps, items and such.

There are two other DR servers open at the moment. DR GLobal bunch of morons i use to work with, and KDR, Korean DR, who have opened a new server kind of like what i am doing.

The game play is based in Mideavil times and the idea is you choose a class *and in my server also a race* and lvl up as much as you can completeing quests and dungeons alot like WoW. However the game doesnt rely on quests and dungeons for lvling, all your lvling has to be done as you kill creatures, so getting big parties and raids together is a good thing.

Most people love our PVP because you cna get so strong and then try to annyalate each other.

There is a nation war that takes 2 hours every day *or we can maek it every week* that all the nations go to war. Alot of players really enjoy this as well because its a complete battle royal :).

We also have a shit ton of events. Just google Dragon Raja and you can read more on it. But i urge you wait until our server is released do not join the korean or the Global servers, they are our competitors :)!.

MatiUciha 05-11-2010 09:00 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
Sounds sweet

Kazekage Kamelot 05-12-2010 02:12 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
yea its bad ass, and ive been playing it since it came out and fell in love with it.

MatiUciha 05-12-2010 11:36 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
Sweet i may try it out sometime, lets make a team (party) if i play lolz

Kazekage Kamelot 05-13-2010 01:35 AM

RE: Dragon Raja
lol ill help you lvl with my normal character but i refuse to use my admin powers to give you lvls :P!

Also note that no one else will know im an Admin other then people on this forum, so please keep it that way in the game.

When i finish the website ill post you a link. We are hoping to open beta here in the next few months, we have alot of coding to do first though. :)!

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