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AudriSampson 06-10-2010 05:35 PM

Anime on TV
As Ive mentioned Im part of Funimation's forums. On the forum lately we have a lot of younger fans that are fairly obsessed with getting anime titles on TV. They basically declare that the anime industry is dieing because of a lack of anime on TV. Since this is definetly an international board, is this something going on in your country's fanbase? Or what are your feelings on this issue.

Kazekage Kamelot 06-13-2010 02:00 PM

RE: Anime on TV
relax in japan its on like 40 channels an in China its on about 22 chanels... the US doesnt air anime quite frequently because they choose childish or stupid boring animes to air poorly dubbed on AS and SciFi... and no one liked to watch it that way. it wasnt anime it was sukime XD!

Whyt Lindow 06-14-2010 01:47 PM

RE: Anime on TV
The UK only shows two anime, Poke'mon and I forget the other but I know its there. They're both for children thus nobody above the age of 14 watches them. We did have Anime Central but that quickly died after not even being able to get more than two different series on. It would be nice to have a few channels to watch, but I know that they'd all be English dub, which I cant abide by. No anime on TV might also contribute to why I don't actually watch any TV at all.

- D - 06-15-2010 02:18 PM

RE: Anime on TV
I've observed over the past several years that most anything that gets broadcast in America within a specific time-slot, and is of any sort of animated format, will arguably be subject to the same scrutiny that all other animated shows have been for the past two decades. Sadly, there is a certain mentality in America that if something is broadcast that is a cartoon -- or of a cartoon nature -- must appeal to a specific target audience.

Certainly there have been popular shows in the past that have walked a more edgier line, and were intended for a tad bit of an older audience; but when one looks back at the hype, and the popularity, there is a specific trend there.

Most of the people in charge of the selection process, i.e. the people that pick what got aired, were of an age and mentality that assumed that any animation from Japan was too adult to justify airing. Because they also assumed that like animation in America, it had to be for kids.

Anime on TV is not going to save the industry. By that I mean, the anime market in America, and elsewhere.

What Anime on TV will do, is provide a lot of kids, or teens, or even adults with a means to get their feet wet, and take a much deeper dive into the fandom.

There will always be those whose knowledge of anime will never go beyond the list of names in Dragon Ball, or Cowboy Bebop... but from where I sit, a fan is a fan, is a fan. If even one of those fans, tells a friend about anime, or gets another person hooked... there is no telling what could happen. So I'm for anime on any medium.

I don't believe that an absence of anime on TV will fall the whole world of it at all. Just like I don't believe that a company making bad dubs and terrible edits and ruining a few shows, will be the end of it either. Because another company will come along and rescue the show, and make the other company look like a complete fool.

Do we need anime on TV?

Yes, I think we do. Otherwise we would be missing a chance to spread the word. Not everyone in the world is lucky enough to have mentors and older brothers and buddies that can get them into it.

I honestly do not watch anime on TV. I never had the opportunity, so I don't even feel as if I missed out much. I came in on shows like Pokemon and Cardcaptors and that was pretty much it. I had no knowledge of anime, aside from what I self taught. But I think I'd know a lot more and be a better fan because of it.

Kazekage Kamelot 06-16-2010 02:57 AM

RE: Anime on TV
heh i can agree to most of that. i myself grew up on digimon and that pretty much just set my anime life in motion. Never bothered with pokemon it was after my time, and to be honest nintendo went nuts and made a fuck ton of game for pokemon, some of witch were pretty good games, but when snap finally came out i was just like come on... you cant think of anything else to make for these kids XD!

Skadi 07-25-2010 01:54 AM

RE: Anime on TV
I wish there was more anime to watch on tele, I only get to see all
the common ones that most folks dig in Oz. Like "Naruto" and "Pokemon" etc

I would love to see more of it, but I have such a massive collection
of dvd's that I own and such, its not like I need to watch it on TV anyways :p

Kazekage Kamelot 07-25-2010 06:33 PM

RE: Anime on TV
well i dont buy the dvds, unless i really want the art that goes with them, i would say 85% of my 342 tb's of anime is on HD space!

Whyt Lindow 07-28-2010 06:27 PM

RE: Anime on TV
That's a lot TeraBytes Kaze... Is there even that much anime in the world? x)

All of my anime collection is digital since I don't like the subs on official releases that I want plus half of it hasn't been translated as of yet or I'm just to poor at the mo to buy any. (Did I miss out It would also all have to be in Blu-Ray?)
I'd much prefer HD content than SD but I'd be forever poor if I even tried to buy it over a long period of time.

The gripes of modern life.

Kazekage Kamelot 07-29-2010 01:57 AM

RE: Anime on TV
well the wonderful thing is you can download in HD and Blue ray now, and there are programs online that will play with those graphics for you, a god 45% of my anime is in HD!

and yes I have a fuck ton of anime, every series ive ever watched is in my collection, i have them seperated by type, style, and ones i didnt like and ones i like. I use to run an anime club and I always had anime to play for them :P!

Whyt Lindow 07-31-2010 04:23 PM

RE: Anime on TV
The majority of my collection is HD bar about 4 series due to how old they are.
I haven't categorised them quite as thorough as you, they're only in alphabetical order but I can remember every series and tell you whether I liked it, the plot, names of characters without a hitch.

Good times. =)

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