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Nykira 03-15-2010 04:53 AM

Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Which bleach character is your fave and y????

Ull never guess who mine is..... Ok ok is yachiru ^^ y she my fave is because I'm like he in a lota of ways and she's funnny and cute ehe^^

Kazekage Kamelot 03-15-2010 06:46 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Easy enough if you knew me. Toshiro Hitsuguya, one of the coolest powers *pun intended* and just all around great character.

A few years ago, i drew him in blue pencil on blue paper, came out so freakin awsome, i found a tatoo artist who was good at anime characters, and had him put the picture i drew on my back. *looks* *waves* HI TOSHIRO!!!!

for those of you who didnt know, yes i have a Toshiro tatoo on my back, I also have the Triforce on the back of my right hand, the Shikimaru family logo on my left shoulder, and timcampy on my right leg.

I am thinking about getting a few more on my back, and I want to make my arm tattooed like FMA Edwards Metal Arm, think it would be cool, but trying to decide if i want that much ink on my arm -.-. I am a chef and it would be hard to be professional if i cant hide it.

The only tatoo i have now that is hard to hide, is the damn triforce, but i just throw flour over it and no one notices, besdies its a glow in the dark tat, so its hard enough to see during light hours anyway XD!

Well ive rambled enough back to topic, what is your fav Bleach Character?

gaga 03-19-2010 12:11 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
there is no character greater than him!!!! i absolutely adore him!!! the only character i can go fangirl-ish :P

i think i started to like him because of that smile and those eyes (he's a cutey lol).. no matter what, he is always smiling, no one trusts him because of that and it seems like he's never serious but teases all the time while he's speaking to someone (sometimes like some kind of hypocrite lol), he's such an intriguing character, kinda crazy but not insane, smart and fun.. and its all good while he's smiling and you can't see his eyes, cause when you do, means you did something to piss him off aaaand - you're dead.. ^^

he's sooooo awesome :heart:

Sekirei_Lord 03-19-2010 12:15 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
LOL. I knew you were going to post that. XD

gaga 03-19-2010 12:25 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
hehe :D
well what did you expect me to post? orihime? :dodgy:

Sekirei_Lord 03-19-2010 12:28 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Of course not. XP
Speaking of Orihime, it seems not many people like her.

Infact, she's a Sakura 2.0 imo.

gaga 03-19-2010 12:31 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
lemme post a motivational i oh so much adore cause it speaks the truth oh so well.. ^^

Kazekage Kamelot 03-19-2010 12:44 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
nice, but you have forgotten at least now Sakura uses her awsome mighty strength to destroy the ground they all walk on from time to time.

Shes a motivational Character, without her bringing those nasty ass pills to Naruto, he wouldnt have gotten his training done, and without her getting in the way in the past, a few things they did never would have happened.

Lets just face it she may be usless but she can at least be left to count on for one thing. Destruction!

As for Orhime, its like taking your little sister with you everywere you go. You cant do what you want to do because your constantly taking care of the little sister, who on top of that is even more annoying then the shit that should be causing your trouble XD!.

Fae 03-21-2010 01:24 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Orihime is actually my favorite; she uses time and space--though she has true no offense, her defense is quite useful. If you want to whine at her about how "weak" she is, go complain to Kubo Tite, he made her the usual damsel in distress.

Soi Fon comes a close second. ^^

CrescentOfLight 03-21-2010 01:33 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I semi-sorta like Orihime too.

She's an okay character when it comes to supporting the primary characters.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 02:04 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
she does a decent job at that sure, but they use her for a filler more then anything XD!

Nykira 03-21-2010 02:14 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
i reckon Orihimes alright for a charater she plays a part to h elp out the main characters in the series well thats what meh thinks

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 02:19 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
PErsonally i think thye could have just taken her out and given Ichigo some other random awsome power that would protect them XD!

Starlight 03-21-2010 07:32 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I really HATE Orihime with a strong passion~!
I remember on AU, we had this whole thread about how to kill her xD

My favourite character has to be...ULQUIORRA <3

Him and his magic finger <3

Sekirei_Lord 03-21-2010 08:16 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I remember that thread. D=
It had a load of replies in it, too.

Starlight 03-21-2010 08:23 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Yeah, like everyone on the forum hated her xD

Sekirei_Lord 03-21-2010 08:42 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
There was one person or two people who were against it though.
Who were they again?

I thought Sakura was one of them.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 10:12 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
sounds like a fun thread anyone interested in starting it again Xd!

Starlight 03-21-2010 10:12 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I can't remember...I thought she hated her as well? That Orihime chick was mad cause we were saying that we hated her, though :D

Oh! I forgot my other favourite character~ Lilynette :3

I just

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 10:16 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
lol why lily XD i want details XD!

Starlight 03-21-2010 10:21 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I just like her~ She's cute and funny. XD

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 10:29 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
cute and funny sure, but still completely usless

Starlight 03-21-2010 10:32 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Oh well~ I don't care :3

Kazekage Kamelot 03-21-2010 10:48 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
best aditude to have in the world XD!

bound 03-27-2010 06:39 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Kenpachi Zaraki is probably my favorite character in the show with Nel coming in at second. Kenpachi is just awesome, and Nel never failed to make me laugh.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-27-2010 10:26 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Kenpachi is not just awesome... he is the true meaning behind the word AWESOMENESS!!

still nothing like that epic battle between him and Ichigo when you first saw them fight. His presence alone was enough to shatter any aura. The guy was freaking beastly. I love him too but i thought toshiro was defidenly best character.

I will show you what i mean by my words of he is the true meaning of the word AWESOMENESS.

Only someone who has the true meaning of Awesomeness would be Feared, Loved, Cherished, and Defeated as a god.

But even better, only Kenpachi is marketable...

dont know what i mean? have a look. Sanders has nothing on him!!!

He even made Arnold a fan when he found out he couldnt compete with Kenpachi.

and need we forget his AWESOME motto.

He even threatens Sonic Peacefull life... sorry shadow you are no longer feared!!

so yea, with that i think ive made my point :P!

bound 03-27-2010 06:50 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Thats all true, its just that I was getting the feeling that everyone on this forum thought that orihime was the true meaning behind the word awesome, so I didn't want to try and convince everyone otherwise :P

Nykira 03-27-2010 09:25 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Well me think all bleach charaters are awsome, and Kenny is awsome yep he is, an so orihime^^

Kazekage Kamelot 03-28-2010 12:19 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
heh, i do agree each bleach character is awesome in their own way, but the one that just takes the cake on awesomeness is kenpachi. Although i still say Toshiro is my favorite Character. Becuase nothign beats young smart and ice dragon :P!

Mr. Anderson 04-07-2010 04:49 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
hahahha kaze those pics with kenpachi were priceless XD!

Kazekage Kamelot 04-07-2010 06:36 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
i know thats why i posted them XD!

Mr. Anderson 04-12-2010 06:08 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
well then arnt you a cocky bastard :P

Kazekage Kamelot 04-13-2010 02:37 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
no not really im just a fucking comedian :P!

-Kuro Ite- 05-05-2010 08:54 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
Rukia and Hitsu

Kazekage Kamelot 05-06-2010 01:39 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
i got a new toshiro cell phone hangy thing :P. I was happy to find it, took me like 4 hours traveling all over the city looking at different shops before i found it in the subway station LOL!

MatiUciha 05-08-2010 10:33 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
I sorta like Ishida cause he got a cool bow, but weak in defense.

But i don't see him getting any stronger until, when he gets stronger but mabey a loooong time anyways, so yea

Kazekage Kamelot 05-10-2010 01:05 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
yea they king of limited his power growth after the time they showed you him releasing his historys power in 3-5 shots by breaking the seal.

I mean thats already pretty bad ass, but seriously how do you expect to make something stronger then that, it took him months to heal from that damn power.

MatiUciha 05-12-2010 11:31 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^

Kazekage Kamelot 05-13-2010 01:47 AM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
they basically went.. ok yea this guy is 100000000 times better then Ichigo, and were going to show how bad ass he is...

*show his Quincy Power*

Oh fuck too strong.. mmm ok we limit it, he aint the main character.

*Quincy falls into rehab for 200 episodes*

There we go problem solved.

Mountain Dew Man 06-03-2010 10:02 PM

RE: Fave Bleach Characters!!!!!! Yay!!! ^^
O_O Quincy rehab
ha ha ha

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