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CrescentOfLight 06-16-2012 02:00 PM

~SOTW Rules and General Discussion Thread~
I did NOT make these rules up.

I just thought that maybe it could be used temporarily.

-Rules and Guidelines-

Obvious as some rules may be to most, not everyone knows all of the ins and outs the average SOTW comp. To make it clear to anyone and everyone interested, the rules for SOTW will be stated here for all to read. We request that all members entering and/or voting in SOTW competitions read and abide by them, so that everyone knows what is and is not expected or requested of them and there are few or no issues - Remember: this is supposed to be fun, not a fight, despite it being a competition.

Entering Competitions

Firstly, you may only enter one piece of art in any SOTW, unless otherwise stated in the entry thread for a particular comp.
Second, each SOTW will usually have a theme; if a theme is stated in the entry thread, try to portray the theme however you can in your artwork. If your entry is not obviously related to the theme for the week, you may be requested (by a staff member) to describe how and why your art fits in with the theme.
Third, as per the site rules, please keep your entry free of R18+ rated material, unless otherwise stated in the entry thread (i.e. if the theme for the week is Ecchi or Hentai, etc).
Fourth, please keep your entered artwork at either 500X300 or 300X500 pixels in size or less. Though allowances can be made if your entry is only a pixel or three out.
Fifth, please share the original stock(s) used in you entry (if available). This was a rule requested by SOTW regulars before the server change and will be implemented now, so that voters can see the work put into entries as clearly as possible.
Lastly, please take note of the entry time frame stated in the entry thread, you may change your entry up until the deadline, but not after. Requests for late entries will not be accepted. However, the entry period may be extended by a further week if less than four entries are recieved.


One, don't vote for yourself. Duh.
Two, same as everywhere else, don't flame. It's not needed.
Three, please state which two entries you wish to vote for - your major vote, and a secondary one. This works like distributing points: your major vote recieves two points, your secondary gets one.
Four, we request that you try to give some constructive critisism (what you like/don't like) to at least the entry you're voting for, if nothing else.
Lastly, it's been complained about in the past, but try not to vote for an entry purely for the stock/render used in an entry. It's like saying a model is pretty because of the hat s/he wears. If that's the only thing you can think of, then fine., but it doesn't really give the creator of your voting target(s) much to go on...

Choosing Themes

Each week, during the entry period for a SOTW, a poll will be added to the entry thread containing seven themes for you to choose from. The first will be the choice of the most recent SOTW winner, the second will be the Freestyle (the Donkey vote), and the remaining five will be randomly chosen from the list of requested SOTW themes.

The theme for the following SOTW will be chosen via said poll.

You may request for certain themes to be added to the next poll in the themes thread, just so long as said theme has not been used less than eight SOTWs previously.

Ambient-Symphony 06-16-2012 04:11 PM

Ah, no.
Please Becky. Please tell me you didn't post that from another forum. :(

CrescentOfLight 06-16-2012 04:23 PM

Yeah I did.

I even said I didn't make it.

It's not like I claimed to make it myself.....

Seriously Seki I hope you aren't going to turn corrupt over that.

Anyways it was made by Shadow at another site.

Tbh though I don't even think she remembers this place or cares.

Ambient-Symphony 06-17-2012 05:00 AM

What do you mean by corrupt?
I'm just saying that you could at least have asked or told her beforehand, so that she is aware of it.
Or better yet, credited her in the OP.
It is sort of like borrowing someone else's tools from their tool shed without their consent. Do you understand what I mean?
I do not think Ms. Shadow would be too happy if she were to come across it.

In my honest and humble opinion, however, the board isn't really big enough to hold SOTWs just yet.

Starlight 06-17-2012 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by LD-Skipper (Post 23777)
In my honest and humble opinion, however, the board isn't really big enough to hold SOTWs just yet.

Agreed. Although I would love to. :blablabla:

Ambient-Symphony 06-18-2012 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by Starlight (Post 23804)
Agreed. Although I would love to. :blablabla:

Haha, would you be interested in hosting a few?

CrescentOfLight 06-18-2012 03:45 PM

I really doubt that Seki.....

Ambient-Symphony 06-18-2012 11:52 PM

Huh? Doubt what?

Starlight 06-19-2012 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by LD-Skipper (Post 23832)
Haha, would you be interested in hosting a few?

If I hosted one, would I be able to participate?

Ambient-Symphony 06-19-2012 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by Starlight (Post 23848)
If I hosted one, would I be able to participate?

Certainly. Although, you may want to leave the names of the creators anonymous to avoid exposing which person made which design.
Once Ms. Shadow returns, you could probably work alongside her with this, since you two seem to know the most about GFX Design.

CrescentOfLight 06-20-2012 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by LD-Skipper (Post 23847)
Huh? Doubt what?


I only posted for temporarily.

Ambient-Symphony 06-21-2012 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by CrescentOfLight (Post 23904)

I only posted for temporarily.

But you should still tell her.

CrescentOfLight 06-22-2012 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by LD-Skipper (Post 23916)
But you should still tell her.


I don't really think it matters.....

CrescentOfLight 06-25-2012 09:05 AM

Yep see.

Just like I said.

Ambient-Symphony 06-29-2012 05:55 AM

What do you mean Becky?

CrescentOfLight 07-06-2012 10:58 PM


vanesinger 12-17-2013 06:26 PM

Oh interesting, can post in the sotw rules thread. ^^
Well my suggestions then. ^^

Here since dont have many participation and members yet... i guess could put in the rules that people can use old works, try to increase the participations. Between the sotw you are able to identify the style of the person, i guess no need asking for the stock also for now. Only big communities that enter many different people that random post anything would need, since they simple can stole the other places works and post, but in small community is easy to identify, nd the member themselves let the staff know. ^^

Bynn 12-20-2013 04:38 AM

^ I like this idea, I'm up for SOTW..whenever you're ready.

Arawn-sama 12-20-2013 08:09 AM

Count me in as well to this^^.

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