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Supreme Uchiha 03-12-2010 03:41 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
personally for me it depends on the anime. Some of the shows the dubbing isnt bad so i can watch it in English, but if the voices are horible i will watch subs (some animes i'll only watch subbed unless im to lazy to read the subtitles ill put it on dubbed).

One thing i am hating now w/the bleach sub is they are writing out he names of the moves in english which is annoying as hell. If you are watching the show, by now u know what the move is and dont need it to be in english as takes to long to read and doesnt sound as cool either.

Just my .02 (and 1st post)

Kazekage Kamelot 03-12-2010 04:59 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
whats a .02? you have to mark it like money for it to be cents. $0.02 is the only way that would work :P come on your jewish you should know better XD!

gaga 03-19-2010 12:44 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
subs and nothing else!!!
i like the original sound over anything else!!!
about the reading part, you who said you can't catch to the story that way - imo you've been too much spoiled with dub on everything (foreign movies and such)..
while we never dubbed english or any other foreign movies, actually if they could sub our home made movies too it would be great - cause when i try to hear everything i miss alot of things cause its not loud enough or something..
damn idiots started dubbing cartoons (you know like shrek, ice age and etc) but i guess thats ok for little kids who can't read yet but then again, those kind of cartoons are not exactly for kids who can't read yet.. ah well, guess kiddies like to hear funky voices and pretty colorful pictures..

oh my.. this is a quite long post which somewhat went off-topic but w/e
anyway to conclude - original sound is always better!!!!!

Whyt Lindow 03-19-2010 01:03 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
Dubs really do take away the heart of anime.
I'd rant again but I think I've had too many this thread.

gaga 03-19-2010 01:12 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
dubs take away the heart of anything not just anime..
its just not the same whn you hear the original sound and someone who's talking over that original.. :\

Kazekage Kamelot 03-19-2010 05:26 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
well thats not entirely true there gaga, personally i think dubs are HILARIOUS in some situations. True the heart and story of the origional design go completely out the window, but it is very easy to make fun of a old chinese movie in english, where their mouths move for like 3 minutes, and all they say is.


Leaves times for a great laugh, but in my personal opinion the origional without any subs or dubs would be best. Thank GOD i understand Japanese XD!

AudriSampson 03-19-2010 02:04 PM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!

Originally Posted by Kazekage Kamelot
Leaves times for a great laugh, but in my personal opinion the origional without any subs or dubs would be best. Thank GOD i understand Japanese XD!

That is definetly the best way to go. How long did it take you to learn Japanese?

gaga 03-19-2010 11:09 PM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
you see i mentioned also that i would prefer subs to our home made movies which i understand perfectly!!!
simply cause when you only have to listen, you can miss few things cause you didn't hear good enough that part and similar.. but with sound and subs, nothing will be missed!!!!

Whyt Lindow 03-20-2010 12:00 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
That seems awfully lazy.
Although it does work, my friend does it all the time whenever I'm round his house.
It's good if a lot of people are talking in the room as well.

Kazekage Kamelot 03-20-2010 12:27 AM

RE: Subs Vs Dubs!
Well to learn japanese, i lived in japan for 6 months,and I have watched more then my share of anime, and kind of tought myself. I can speak it and understand it quite well. The only problem is that the way i learned is to speak like a child, so now as an adult alot of people laugh at my japanese XD!. But they can at least understand me!

I also am learning Chinese *Mandarin* now because i have worked and lived in China for the last 8 months. I speak it pretty well, but still have a long way to go to finish learning it.

I am also fluent in English, German, and Celtic.

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